Happy Birthday Calvin.

Darling Calvin, this is to to say,
Happy Birthday to you today.
Just to be able to give you a kiss,
Instead of thinking of all we miss.
Your laugh, your smile, your cheeky way,
Your hugs and kisses and things you say.
Sending all of our love to you,
Always in our hearts in everything we do.

Happy Birthday Calvin.
Love always.
Mummy and Jon.

Happy Birthday.


You will be 12 today,
But you're in heaven.
When you died,
You were only 11.

You should be with us,
Having fun.
But instead you're in Heaven,
Your life already done.

It can't be true,
Because you are our big brother.
We don't want to believe it,
As we love one another.

We will give our love to God's angels,
To pass unto you.
With a basket of red roses,
And possibly some blue.

But just remember,
It's your special day,
So please big bro,
Don't let anyone get in the way.

Love from Tamsin and Sasha.

If I could go back.

If I could go back time,
I'd stay right next to you,
I wouldnt let you leave my sight,
I'd say I love you too.

I'd hug you and kiss you,
And stay for a while,
Then you'd do the same,
And I'd laugh and I'd smile.

If my tears built a path,
And my heartache a lane,
I'd climb up that tall mountain,
And recieve you again.

Instead it builds pools,
My memories and thoughts,
But nobody knows,
How much my hearts hurts.

The Day You Left Us.

Remember the day you left us,
The day we were in tears.

You only had a short life,
Just eleven years.

Think of all the joy you brought to us,
In those short eleven years.

But now you've gone to heaven above,
and left us all in tears.

I hope you know I'd give anything,
Just to have you back.

And when we go the park,
Sasha says you're with us saying quack quack.

We all miss you loads and loads,
And love you loads too.

I miss you listening to your mp3,
Sat on the loo!


You broke our hearts when you left us,
You snuggled with the puss,
You got hit by a van at Lane Ends,
Please never forget us.

I saw the police directing,
The cars which way to go,
I never thought it would be you,
I'm so sorry big bro.

I got told at the hospital,
That you had died,
I didn't know what to do,
So i just sat there and cried.

Whilst walking down the corridor,
I was questioning mum,
Then as soon as I got told,
My mouth felt numb.

I couldnt say a single word,
Apart from it can't be,
And then I remembered,
That you'll never forget us your family.

So play in the clouds,
Laugh have fun,
Just don't forget us,
Your family and mum.

My Brother

My brother could be mad,
But no one ever saw him sad.

He was funny at school,
and also a really big fool.

He always carried the bin,
I loved his cheeky grin.

He didn't dump rubbish on the floor,
At school he held the door.

He always said "Ya wanna bet"
Thats not the end yet.

On his birthday he woke at 4 "o" clock,
and the clock went tick tock.

He always wanted to go to the shop,
and on the way back he drank some pop.

He never wore silk,
But always drank milk.

He always went to spar,
But no matter what he never came back in the car.

He always went on my dad's laptop
and luckily it never got the drop.

He wouldn't hurt a fly,
and no one ever saw him cry.

He loved hearing echo's,
As his pet he had two Gecko's.

Now he's in heaven up above,
At his funeral we set off a dove.



A candle burning bright tonight,
Just for you.

I'd go back time to save you,
I would you know it's true.

You were my big brother,
We love one another.

We love Sash our baby sis,
And she you will always miss.

I love you and you love me,
And most of all our family.

I'd do anything to hear your voice once more,
And see you crash through our front door.